Your evening routine is just as important as any other part of your day. If your morning doesn't run smoothly, does the rest of your day become compromised? What if you could alter that mindset? By tweaking your evening routine the night before, you'll create a habit of making sure that you’re more prepared for the next day.
Here’s how to use your time wisely: Allocate fifteen minutes to take a look at and prepare for the next day of calendar events. Think about how you’d like to feel during that day. Do you have back-to-back meetings and want to feel comfortable but look important? Maybe you’re having a business lunch to work on a client relationship and a staff cocktail hour later in the evening, so you’d like to feel impressive and look sophisticated.
To achieve the feel and look you are aiming for can take a moment of curation. So setting yourself up the night before will help you mentally prepare for the following day; you’ll feel less rushed and less stressed too. Picture yourself at the moment:
What does your specific outfit look like?
How does your hair look?
What fragrance are you wearing?
Are there accessories you'd like to wear?
Look in your wardrobe, choose your outfit, then hang it in an area where you often get ready. For example, I have a small rolling rack in my wardrobe that I prop my outfit. You might hang yours on the curtain rods in your bathroom or lay it across an armchair in your room.
Then pick your handbag that compliments your outfit, and that can also carry what you need inside. Fill the handbag with precisely what you require for the next day. Ie. Laptop, notepad, black pens, compact mirror, lipstick, breath mints, floss, etc. Follow this with a spot check. Ensure that there are no marks on the bag; if there are, wipe the marks off. I swear by the magic eraser or simply leather cleaner and a soft cloth.
The next step is to select your shoes and place them next to your outfit. Again, do a spot check for marks on your shoes. For work, black or brown leather is best for optimal wear. The reason is that it’s easier to use leather polish on them to make them look as close to new as you can.
Finally, prepare for your accessories such as watch, jewelry, belt, fragrance/cologne, sunglasses, etc. Check for the cleanliness of your items. Now is an excellent time to clean valuable pieces with a soft cloth or a jewelry cleaning solution depending on the material. I generally place this on my bureau, for these are more minor items. If you’re forward-thinking and have the time, laying out your choice of makeup can also help.
I recommend revising this sequence an hour or two before your bedtime. This act will allow you to have a moment to unwind properly before you rest. Don't be too rushed when you wake up the next day: Prepare yourself for a successful morning! Now you know precisely how.
About the author, Janika LeMaitre
Jan is a certified etiquette advisor, specializing in personal brand strategy. Her mission is to provide life-changing soft skills for business owners and industry trail-blazers to self-manage and evolve their reputation. Jan is certified with the Protocol School of Washington® and The British School of Excellence™. In addition, she is the board president of Women's Business Group Connects, and as a second-generation Rotarian, proudly serves as a board director at the Rotary Club of Weston & Wayland.